The Attitude of Gratitude

Hello Mommas (and Pappas),

The day is almost here - The mark of the start to the year’s end Holiday season celebrations! Thanksgiving!!!

Have you ever taken the time to consider how the holiday season begins so beautifully…with thanksgiving! It’s more than the roasted turkey and ham, more than the savory sides and pies . It’s the love that pours out from our hearts, with anticipation to see our loved ones and be with those we know loves us. A time we commemorate and celebrate all the things we are grateful for and feast together with our family and friends, thanking God for all He has done!

What if EVERYDAY could be Thanksgiving? The beautiful truth about moments that we create during the holidays, is that, it does not have to be limited to a one day “thing”. in fact, cultivating an attitude of gratitude everyday, is exactly what Christ wants for and from us. We are encouraged to live an inherited lifestyle of thanksgiving to God as believers.

There’s no surprise that challenges will arise in life. Perhaps waiting for an answered prayer or direction from God, facing frustration, in need of healing, a breakthrough and more. Yet, despite the seasons we go through, God encourages us to live planted by a tree of water - which is Him indeed! “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jer 17:7-8)

This year, My loving Husband Jim and I will have the privilege of hosting our first Thanksgiving in our new home. Being new homeowners with a baby on the way and proud parents of 2 loving and energetic boys already… budgeting for things like house decor and such do not take priority. So, maybe I won’t be able to get the flamboyant floral fall centerpiece that i saw in an article, or the copper cups and silverware, or even the burnt orange pillow cases for the couch… (its the decorator in me) but - you know what? the Holy spirit reminded me that i have all that i need, and honestly, i’m just grateful towards God and looking forward to celebrate all that God is for me and family! We know it ladies - sometimes, especially as women, we overdue and miss out on the point. Like Mary and Martha, hosting for Jesus - although Mary left what she was doing to be present in the presence of her God, Martha continued to carry on to make sure everything was “perfect“, yet missed out on what was most important, being at the feet of Jesus. We all share this flaw at least once in our lives. i know i have! Yet, as i grow, having more responsibilities in my life has humbled me in a way to focus on what truly matters to God, making more conscience decisions, including the choice to rejoice.

I remembered Jim and I spent the first 5 years of our marriage without children as we waited on God to bless us with kids. Today, we get to celebrate thanksgiving everyday including the Holidays, in our own home with a house filled with love, health and kids! This year, I look forward to prepping my turkey, spreading the joy of cooking and fellowship with my family and just having fun enjoying God’s blessings! We may not have it all together, but we trust the One who gives us all we need to keep us together. We may not have millions in the bank (YET), but i am grateful to have a roof over my head for me and family, a place we can create memories share that hospitality and love with those who visit. Even, before we had our house, the joy of sharing gratefulness with our kids and family that surrounded us, often filled our hearts with joy.

The secret of living with an attitude of gratitude, is thanksgiving unto God. I’ve learned when we exchange our worries for worship to God, remembering all that He is and all that He has done, even when we don’t deserve it, our attitude changes as we connect with God’s heart.

There’s nothing that we can ever do, or have done to deserve God’s grace. Its a gift given to us. Therefore, every blessing, answered prayers, victories that God has grated us, is a reason to be grateful. Pivoting your mind to the things that you DO have instead of being frustrated for the things that you don’t have, can make a great difference in how you live life, shift your attitude towards God and others.

There are times we forget to be grateful, me included. We rather complain as this is a part of our sinful nature. But thank God for Jesus and the Holy spirit who always bringing us back the place of His faithfulness, especially when we are willing to draw close to Him.

So, as we get ready to dine and celebrate with those we love, let’s not forget to be grateful and live a life of thanksgiving as an everyday practice.

How about you? Have you ever taken the time to breath and just reflect on how blessed you are? What are you grateful for? Maybe you are in a season where you feel your life has no meaning and that you’re not loved or you have no family, i want to encourage you today to remind you that you ARE loved and have a Father who loves you - His name is Jesus. You can start by naming one thing that God has done for you to shift your focus on thanksgiving to God. If you need some more inspiration, read the book of John the Gospel and pray to God to help you shift your focus as you transition your worries into prayers and worship. Then, name another thing and ponder on those thankful sentiments as you cultivate an attitude of gratitude and don’t forget to share it with someone and build a tower of thanksgiving before God together!

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV).

Here’s an Idea: For years now, my family and i share a thanksgiving tradition… before we eat, we assemble together in a circle around the table, and everyone shares why they are thankful. Then we pray, share a word and then….eat. Perhaps, you have your own traditions… if not, please feel free to use this idea as a shared opportunity to express your gratitude to God with your loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving!




Before I Formed You…