Before I Formed You…

Jeremiah 1 1

"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

There is nothing new under the sun. Nothing catches our Creator by surprise. Everything He creates is uniquely planned in perfect harmony for His glory and for our good. The day we were formed a substance in our mother’s womb, the detailed intricacies of how we are fashioned, the hairs on our head, the day we would be born and the day we would be called home. Not a day has passed in our lives that is not predestined by God.

Yet, although most of us would say we believe this truth , as life happens, we forget that God’s plans pre-destined for our lives would include challenges. Challenges would test our faith,question our belief and relationship with God, question our very existence and our purpose in life. Yet, it’s usually in these difficult moments, I find the grace of God that molds us and helps us discover more about Him and more about His love for us….but only if we allow these moments to.

Just about 5 years ago, i had these same questions in the challenging seasoned that i experienced with my husband as we wondered, when would it happen for us? When would we too have children. I had no doubt in my mind that i was born to be someones mother, but after experiencing 5 losses, it caused me to question God. While we waited, the pain of loss mixed with the longing desire to be parents grew stronger. Prayer after prayer, doctor after doctor not knowing a diagnosis to give me as every test came out negative, tears after tears and supplication before God. All the while, God has His plan and His timing, was perfect.

After 5 years , In 2017, God turned everything around! In the middle of my sleep when pregnant with my first son, He woke me up in a great voice, i remember so clearly “Josiah”- So great that as i woke up in the middle of the night to ask my husband if he heard that… he didnt know what i was talking about,but i knew this was God. when i quickly rolled over to my phone and looked up that name, it meant: Jehovah has healed. I knew right then and there, God spoke to me and gave me a promise that whatever i went through i would never go through again!

Every time I get to just stare at my little champs, and remember where God took me from, my heart becomes overwhelmed with joy and gratitude to God. It’s certainly a present truth…He always had a plan, He was always there and had a set time and date for me.

One day, during our moment of waiting, on a little getaway with my husband by the pool side, i remember telling my him this idea that came to my heart. I told my husband, that i would like to one day have a center for women who desire to become mothers, or will become mothers. Together with other professional believers, create a safe place to encourage , inspire and provide women with resources, a relaxation experience, support and post par tum care.

Sometimes we may see parts of the dream, or feel God calling us to a great purpose, but we may not see the roads that lead to that purpose, to prepare us for the call. I’ve learned, although we may not always see what the end will look like while in the hardships, they can be the most adventurous part of the journey that mold us and teaches us the greatest lessons that we need to be who God has called us to be and serve the very purpose He desired from the beginning of time.

Today, I’m a proud Momma of 3 babies, whom I love and have the privilege to be their mom! The journey getting here was not easy. but God had His plan, and gave me His grace along the way.

Psalms 113:9 He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.

Today, i don’t know where you are on your journey to motherhood, or perhaps already on. I want to encourage you to remember that God has a plan for your life, and YOU play an integral part of that plan.


Dear God, I pray for this Kingdom Daughter reading this post today! You know her needs and you know her heart. Please guide her on her journey and let your light guide her and shine through her. May she be reminded that you have her life in your hands and perfect plan for her life. Even when she cannot she the traces of your hands, guide her to trust your Heart and words which are true. May she embrace your grace and have peace for the journey as she trusts in you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


God did not create us to worry, but he does want us to plan. if you are in your waiting season, i encourage you to pray before God a prayer of sanctification and forgiveness. Tell him how you’ve been feeling, repent for the ways that are not of Him and pray to Him with an outpouring from your heart to ask for forgiveness and pardon of sins. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Secondly, Come together with your spouse and make a plan. Include the doctors you will visit, the plans you will make to care for your mind, body and soul while you wait. Don’t forget to take your Folic acid (ask your doctor for advice before taking)!!!

Finally, bring your plan to God and pray on it!

Other Suggestions:

  • Do you like writing? Get a journal and write letters to God if you enjoy wiring like me. Or paint, sing, cook… engage in expressive art.

  • Seek counsel - Everyone needs guidance! Where there is no wise guidance, the nation falls, but in the multitude of counselors there is victory Proverbs 11:14. You may not be able to change the waiting season, but you can think differently while you wait and learn to embrace your experiences in the season as you grow along the way.

  • Remove all negativity around you! That’s the LAST thing you need! embrace a circle of positive like-minded people and a gather a few women who can help you pray and believe with you. Someone that you trust and know loves you. Your spouse, your Pastor, a mentor, a sibling, a parent, Christian Counselor. You don’t need many, at most 2-3. that can help you in the journey! If you don’t know where to start, ask God in prayer, i believe He will lead you.

  • Remember - This battle is not meant to be won alone.

Finally, change the way you pray…instead of always asking God for a child, ask God for His guidance on what He may want you to do to improve yourself while you wait, and ask God for a heart of love to celebrate with others if this is hard for you.. The truth is you are human…you may have your moments when you just don’t feel like celebrating another baby shower, and in moment you don’t feel like it, ITS OK - just be truthful with your feelings, pray about it and TALK about it to someone who loves you and understands you that can counsel you.

Also, use some time to engage in things you enjoy and connect with other praying women and remember to practice LOVING God, yourself and others. Cultivating a positive mind and spirit is key!

Keep the faith! May God’s grace be with you!




The Attitude of Gratitude