Sharing faith, inspirations, love and hope, for women on their journey to motherhood, or already on their journey.

  • Faith

    “Now, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain for what we do not see” Hebew 11:1-3. Faith is a tool that is nessessary in our walk of life and most importanly to please God, our creator. No matter life may look like now, we must believe that there is purpose in our lives as women who were called to be great! Here at the mother’s haven, we aim to build a community of faith that helps builds other women up and their moral of motherhood.

  • Hope

    Hope, a part of faith that anticipates what we await from God. Yet sometimes in our journey in motherhood, our hope sometimes is shattered either by the struggle of conceiving, or the experiences of motherhood and the uncertainties that life may bring. Yet, hope can be restored. Everything has a better way of viewing, as perspective changes EVERYTHING. Here at the Mother’s Haven, we aim to help mothers cultivate hope. The hope that comes from the promises of God, and in His purposes for our lives in every season, even in the most challenging ones.

  • Support

    No women is an island and we know that it takes a village to raise a child as an old African proverb says. Here at the Mother’s Haven, we stand strong together to create a dynamic support group, with free resources, not limited to prayer groups, support counseling, classes, health and wellness seminars for all women to enjoy as they aspire to be “Mom“.